[NOTE: The reference pages are still being converted from Scribe]
AjoseSA90a @Article(AjoseSA90a ,Key="Ajose & Joyner" ,Author="Ajose, S.A. and Joyner, V.G." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Cooperative learning: The rebirth of an effective teaching strategy" ,Journal="Educational Horizons" ,Pages="197-201" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") AkinsK90a @InBook(AkinsK90a ,Key="Akins & Schrumm" ,Author="Akins, K. and Schrumm, L." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Beyond electronic penpals: The next step towards the virtual classroom" ,Booktitle="Proceedings of the Third Guelph Symposium on Computer Mediated Communication" ,Address="Guelph, Ontario" ,Publisher="University of Guelph" ,Pages="1-10" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") AndersonJA87a @Book(AndersonJA87a ,Key="Anderson" ,Author="Anderson, J.A." ,Year="1987" ,Title="Communication research: Issues and methods" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="McGraw-Hill Book Company" ,Libcon="" ,Location="R.N.Higgins,lib") Baecker @InBook(BaeckerRM91a ,Key="Baecker" ,Author="Baecker, R.M." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Computer supported cooperative work: New perspectives" ,Editor="Baecker, R.M." ,Booktitle="Computer Supported Cooperative Work: New Perspectives - proceedings" ,Pages="1-12" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="Information Technology Research Centre, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BalesRF50a @Book(BalesRF50a ,Key="Bales" ,Author="Bales, R.F." ,Year="1950" ,Title="Interaction process analysis: A method for the study of small groups" ,Address="Reading, Mass" ,Publisher="Addison-Wesley Publishing Co." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BarnesD75a @Book(BarnesD75a ,Key="Barnes" ,Author="Barnes, D." ,Year="1975" ,Title="From communication to curriculum" ,Address="England" ,Publisher="Penguin Books Ltd." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BatsonT89a @InBook(BatsonT89a ,Key="Batson" ,Author="Batson, T." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Overview and philosophy - The ENFI project" ,Booktitle="Hooked on writing resource guide: Using Realtime Writer software" ,Publisher="" ,Note="Washington DC: Realtime Learning Systems" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BaumgartAJ88a @InBook(BaumgartAJ88a ,Key="Baumgart & Larsen" ,Author="Baumgart, A.J. and Larsen, J." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Introduction to nursing in Canada" ,Editor="Baumgart, A.J. and Larsen, J." ,Booktitle="Canadian nursing faces the future" ,Chapter="1" ,Pages="3-17" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="C.V. Mosby Company" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BayerAS89a @Book(BayerAS89a ,Key="Bayer" ,Author="Bayer, A.S." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Collaborative apprenticeships in adulthood: Teaching- Learning processes within a university setting" ,Address="San Fransico" ,Publisher="Paper presented at the AERA annual conference" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BeckwithD87a @Article(BeckwithD87a ,Key="Beckwith" ,Author="Beckwith, D." ,Title="Group problem-solving via computer conferencing: The realizable potential" ,Journal="Canadian Journal of Educational Communication" ,Volume="16" ,Number="2" ,Year="1987" ,Pages="89-106" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BenavrahamTZ91a @Book(BenavrahamTZ91a ,Key="Benavraham" ,Author="Benavraham, T." ,Year="1991" ,Title="TZIPPYS CORNER" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Connected Education - The New School for Social Research" ,Note="Excerpt from transcripts of a conference offered by Connect Ed via the Participate computer conferencing system operated by Unison" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BoydGM87a @Article(BoydGM87a ,Key="Boyd" ,Author="Boyd, G.M." ,Title="Emancipative educational technology" ,Journal="Canadian Journal of Educational Communication" ,Volume="16" ,Number="2" ,Year="1987" ,Pages="167-172" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") BoydGM89a @InBook(BoydGM89a ,Key="Boyd" ,Author="Boyd, G.M." ,Year="1989" ,Title="The life-worlds of computer-mediated distance education" ,Editor="Mason, R. & Kaye, A.R." ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers and distance education" ,Pages="225-227" ,Address="London" ,Publisher="Pergamon" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") CarverRP78a @Article(CarverRP78a ,Key="Carver" ,Author="Carver, R.P." ,Year="1978" ,Title="The case against statistical significance testing" ,Journal="Harvard Educational Review" ,Volume="48" ,Number="3" ,Pages="378-399" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") CoombsN89a @InBook(CoombsN89a ,Key="Coombs" ,Author="Coombs, N." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Using CMC to overcome physical disabilities" ,Editor="Mason, R., & Kaye, A.R." ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers and distance education" ,Pages="180-184" ,Address="London" ,Publisher="Pergamon" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") CoxH87a @Book(CoxH87a ,Key="Cox, Harsanyi & Dean" ,Author="Cox, H.C., Harsanyi, B. and Dean, L.C." ,Year="1987" ,Title="Computers and nursing: Application to practice, education and research" ,Address="Norwalk, Connecticut/Los Altos, California" ,Publisher="Appleton & Lange" ,Libcon="RT50.5 C69" ,Location="") CrowleyT91a @InBook(CrowleyT91a ,Key="Crowley et al." ,Author="Crowley, T., Milazzo, P., Baker, E., Forsdick, H., and Tomlinson, R." ,Year="1991" ,Title="MMConf: An infrastructure for building shared multimedia applications" ,Editor="Baecker, R.M." ,Booktitle="Computer Supported Cooperative Work: New Perspectives - proceedings" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="Information Technology Research Centre, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto" ,Note="This paper appeared in the Proceedings of CSCW'90" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DamonW88a @Book(DamonW88a ,Key="Damon & Phelps" ,Author="Damon, W. and Phelps, E." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Critical distinctions between three methods of peer education" ,Address="New Orleans" ,Publisher="Paper presented at the AERA annual meeting" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DanzigerK76a @Book(DanzigerK76a ,Key="Danziger" ,Author="Danziger, K." ,Year="1976" ,Title="Interpersonal communication" ,Address="England" ,Publisher="Pergamon Press Inc." ,Libcon="" ,Location="OISE lib") DavieLE87a @InBook(DavieLE87a ,Key="Davie" ,Author="Davie, L.E." ,Year="1987" ,Title="Facilitation of adult learning through computer conferencing" ,Booktitle="The Second Guelph Symposium on Computer Conferencing- proceedings" ,Chapter="" ,Pages="11-21" ,Address="Guelph" ,Publisher="University of Guelph" ,Libcon="" ,Location="R.N.Higgins,lib") DaviesD89a @InBook(DaviesD89a ,Key="Davies" ,Author="Davies, D." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Computer-supported cooperative learning: Interactive group technologies and distance learning systems" ,Editor="Mason, R. & Kaye, A." ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers and distance education" ,Pages="228" ,Address="Oxford" ,Publisher="Pergamon" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DedeCJ90a @Article(DedeCJ90a ,Key="Dede" ,Author="Dede, C.J." ,Year="1990" ,Title="The evolution of distance learning: Technology-mediated interactive learning" ,Journal="Journal of Research on Computing in Education" ,Volume="22" ,Number="3" ,Pages="247-264" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DobosJ85a @InBook(DobosJ85a ,Key="Dobos & Grieve" ,Author="Dobos, J. and Grieve, S." ,Year="1985" ,Title="Synchronous computer conferencing: Protocols and procedures for productive use of time" ,Editor="Parker, L.A. and Olgren, C.H." ,Booktitle="Teleconferencing and electronic communications IV: Applications, technologies, and human factors" ,Pages="370-380" ,Address="Wisconsin" ,Publisher="University of Wisconsin - Extension" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DuGasBW89a @Article(DuGasBW89a ,Key="Du Gas & Casey" ,Author="Du Gas, B.W. and Casey, A." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Baccalaureates for RNs" ,Journal="The Canadian Nurse" ,Volume="85" ,Number="2" ,Pages="31-33" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DubrovskyV83a @Book(DubrovskyV83a ,Key="Dubrovsky et al." ,Author="Dubrovsky, V., Kiesler, S., and Siegel, J." ,Year="1983" ,Title="Human factors in computer-mediated communication" ,Address="Baltimore" ,Publisher="Paper presented at the meeting of the Human Factors Society" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") DwyerTA81a @Article(DwyerTA81a ,Key="Dwyer" ,Author="Dwyer, T.A." ,Year="1981" ,Title="Multi-micro learning environments: A preliminary report on the Solo/NET/works project" ,Journal="BYTE" ,Volume="6" ,Number="1" ,Pages="104-116" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") FeenbergA87a @Article(FeenbergA87a ,Key="Feenberg" ,Author="Feenberg, A." ,Year="1987" ,Title="Computer conferencing and the humanities" ,Journal="Instructional Science" ,Volume="16" ,Pages="169-186" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") FeenbergA89a @InBook(FeenbergA89a ,Key="Feenberg" ,Author="Feenberg, A." ,Year="1989" ,Title="The written world" ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers, and distance education" ,Address="Oxford" ,Publisher="Pergamon Press" ,Pages="22-39" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") FerraraK91a @Article(FerraraK91a ,Key="Ferrara et al." ,Author="Ferrara, K., Brunner, H. and Whittemore, G." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Interactive written discourse as an emergent register" ,Journal="Written Communication" ,Volume="8" ,Number="1" ,Pages="8-34" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") FosterRS91a @InBook(FosterRS91a ,Key="Foster" ,Author="Foster, R.S." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Computer-based dialogue journals: Using CO-CO with hearing impaired children" ,Editors="McKye, G. and Trueman, D." ,Booktitle="The Twelfth Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Conference and the Eighth International Conference on Technology and Education -- proceedings" ,Pages="775-777" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="ECOO" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") GooderhamM91a @Article(GooderhamM91a ,Key="Gooderham" ,Author="Gooderham, M." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Children find global connection" ,Journal="Globe and Mail" ,Pages="A1 & A7" ,Note="March 13, 1991, newspaper report" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") GordonM82a @Book(GordonM82a ,Key="Gordon" ,Author="Gordon, M." ,Year="1982" ,Title="Nursing diagnosis: Process and application" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="McGraw-Hill Book Co." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") GreifI88a @Book(GreifI88a ,Key="Greif" ,Author="Greif, I." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Computer supported cooperative work: A book of readings" ,Address="California" ,Publisher="Morgan Kaufmann Pub. Inc." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") GriffithJW86a @Book(GriffithJW86a ,Key="Griffith-Kenney & Christensen" ,Author="Griffith-Kenney, J.W. and Christensen, P.J." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Nursing process: Application of theories, frameworks, and models" ,Address="St.Louis" ,Publisher="The C.V. Mosby Company" ,Libcon="RT42.N87" ,Location="") HabermasJ84a @Book(HabermasJ84a ,Key="Habermas" ,Author="Habermas, J." ,Year="1984" ,Title="The theory of communicative action" ,Address="Boston" ,Publisher="Beacon Press" ,Note="Translated by T. McCarthy. Cited in Boyd (1987 & 1989)" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HannahKJ88a @InBook(HannahKJ88a ,Key="Hannah" ,Author="Hannah, K.J." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Computers in nursing practice" ,Editor="Baumgart, A.J. and Larsen, J." ,Booktitle="Canadian nursing faces the future" ,Chapter="17" ,Pages="263-277" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="C.V. Mosby Company" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HarasimLM87a @Article(HarasimLM87a ,Key="Harasim" ,Author="Harasim, L.M." ,Title="Teaching and learning on-line: Issues in computer-mediated graduate courses" ,Journal="Canadian Journal of Educational Communication" ,Volume="16" ,Number="2" ,Year="1987" ,Pages="117-135" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HarasimLM88a @Book(HarasimLM88a ,Key="Harasim" ,Author="Harasim, L.M." ,Title="Educational applications of computer communications systems: Ten case studies " ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="Educational Evaluation Centre, OISE" ,Year="1988" ,Note="(Technical Paper #10)") HarasimLM89a @InBook(HarasimLM89a ,Key="Harasim" ,Author="Harasim, L.M." ,Year="1989" ,Title="On-Line education: A new domain" ,Editors="Mason, R. and Kaye, T." ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers, and distance education" ,Chapter="4" ,Pages="50-62" ,Address="U.K." ,Publisher="Pergamon Press" ,Libcon="LC5808.67M56" ,Location="R.N.Higgins, lib") HarasimLM90a @Book(HarasimLM90a ,Key="Harasim" ,Author="Harasim, L.M. (Ed.)" ,Year="1990" ,Title="Online education: Perspectives on a new environment" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Praeger" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HarasimLM90b @InBook(HarasimLM90b ,Key="Harasim" ,Author="Harasim, L.M." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Online education: An environment for collaboration and intellectual amplification" ,Editor="Harasim, L.M." ,Booktitle="Online education: Perspectives on a new environment" ,Pages="39-64" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Praeger Pub." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HartmanK91a @Article(HartmanK91a ,Key="Hartman et al." ,Author="Hartman, K., Neuwirth, C.M., Kiesler, S., Sproull, L., Palmquist, M. and Zubrow, D." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Patterns of social interaction and learning to write" ,Journal="Written Communication" ,Volume="8" ,Number="1" ,Pages="79-113" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HayesP88a @InBook(HayesP88a ,Key="Hayes" ,Author="Hayes, P." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Compiling and disseminating continuing nursing education information by means of `Confer'" ,Editor="Daly, N. and Hannah, K.J." ,Booktitle="Nursing and Computers: Third International Symposium on Nursing Use of Computers and Information Science - proceedings" ,Pages="124-127" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="C.V. Mosby Company" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HeapJL86a @Book(HeapJL86a ,Key="Heap" ,Author="Heap, J.L." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Collaboration in word processing" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="Queen's Printer for Ontario" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HigginsRN91a @Book(HigginsRN91a ,Key="Higgins" ,Author="Higgins, R.N." ,Year="1991" ,Title="Linked Learners" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="unpublished personal files" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HillsPJ86a @Book(HillsPJ86a ,Key="Hills" ,Author="Hills, P.J." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Teaching, learning and communication" ,Address="London" ,Publisher="Croom Helm" ,Libcon="Dewy 371.102 H655T" ,Location="Jackson Lib., OISE") HiltzSR78a @Book(HiltzSR78a ,Key="Hiltz & Turoff" ,Author="Hiltz, S.R. and Turoff, M." ,Year="1978" ,Title="The network nation: Human communication via computer" ,Address="Massachusetts" ,Publisher="Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc." ,Libcon="TK5105.5.H54" ,Location="R.B.Jackson") HiltzSR86a @Article(HiltzSR86a ,Key="Hiltz" ,Author="Hiltz, S.R." ,Year="1986" ,Title="The 'virtual classroom': Using computer-mediated communication for university teaching." ,Journal="Journal of Communication" ,Volume="36" ,Number="2" ,Pages="95-104" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HiltzSR87a @Book(HiltzSR87a ,Key="Hiltz" ,Author="Hiltz, S.R." ,Year="1987" ,Title="Evaluating the virtual classroom: Revised and updated plan" ,Address="Newark" ,Publisher="New Jersey Institute of Technology" ,Note="Computerized Conferencing and Communications Center, Technical Report 87-1" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HiltzSR88a @InBook(HiltzSR88a ,Key="Hiltz" ,Author="Hiltz, S.R." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Collaborative learning in a virtual classroom" ,Booktitle="In Proceedings of the Conferencing on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work" ,Pages="282-290" ,Address="Portland, Oregon" ,Publisher="" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HiltzSR90a @InBook(HiltzSR90a ,Key="Hiltz et al." ,Author="Hiltz, S.R., Shapiro, H., and Ringsted, M." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Collaborative teaching in a virtual classroom" ,Booktitle="Proceedings of the Third Guelph Symposium on Computer Mediated Communication" ,Address="Guelph, Ontario" ,Publisher="University of Guelph" ,Pages="37-55" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HiltzSR90b @InBook(HiltzSR90b ,Key="Hiltz" ,Author="Hiltz, S.R." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Evaluating the virtual classroom" ,Editor="Harasim, L.M." ,Booktitle="Online education: Perspectives on a new environment" ,Pages="133-183" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Praeger Pub." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") HirokawaRY80a @Article(HirokawaRY80a ,Key="Hirokawa" ,Author="Hirokawa, R.Y." ,Year="1980" ,Title="A comparative analysis of communication patterns within effective and ineffective decision- making groups" ,Journal="Communication Monographs" ,Volume="47" ,Pages="312-321") IyerPW86a @Book(IyerPW86a ,Key="Iyer et al." ,Author="Iyer, P.W., Taptich, B.J., and Bernocchi-Losey, D." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Nursing process and nursing diagnosis" ,Address="Philadelphia" ,Publisher="W. B. Saunders Company" ,Libcon="RT41.I94" ,Location="R.N.Higgins, lib ") JohnsonDW81a @Article(JohnsonDW81a ,Key="Johnson" ,Author="Johnson, D.W." ,Year="1981" ,Title="Student-student interaction: the neglected variable in education" ,Journal="Educational Researcher" ,Volume="10" ,Number="1" ,Pages="1-10") JohnsonDW86a @Article(JohnsonDW86a ,Key="Johnson & Johnson" ,Author="Johnson, D.W. and Johnson R.T." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Computer-assisted cooperative learning" ,Journal="Educational Technology" ,Volume="26" ,Number="1" ,Pages="12-18" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KayeT89a @InBook(KayeT89a ,Key="Kaye" ,Author="Kaye, T." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Computer-mediated communication and distance education" ,Booktitle="Mindweave: Communication, computers, and distance education" ,Address="Oxford" ,Publisher="Pergamon Press" ,Pages="3-21" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KerrEB82a @Book(KerrEB82a ,Key="Kerr & Hiltz" ,Author="Kerr, E.B., and Hiltz, S.R." ,Year="1982" ,Title="Computer-mediated communication systems: Status and evaluation" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Academic Press" ,Libcon="TK5105.5 K47") KerrJR88a @InBook(KerrJR88a ,Key="Kerr" ,Author="Kerr, J.R." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Professionalization in Canadian nursing" ,Editor="Kerr, J., and MacPhail, J." ,Booktitle="Canadian nursing: Issues and perspectives" ,Chapter="3" ,Pages="27-34" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KieslerS84a @Article(KieslerS84a ,Key="Kiesler, Siegel & McGuire" ,Author="Kiesler, S., Siegel, J., and McGuire, T." ,Year="1984" ,Title="Social psychological aspects of computer-mediated communication" ,Journal="American Psychologist" ,Volume="39" ,Number="10" ,Pages="1123-1134" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KingA89a @Article(KingA89a ,Key="King" ,Author="King, A." ,Year="1989" ,Title="Verbal interaction and problem-solving within computer-assisted cooperative learning groups" ,Journal="Journal of Educational Computing Research" ,Volume="5" ,Number="1" ,Pages="1-15" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KingA90a @Article(KingA90a ,Key="King" ,Author="King, A." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Enhancing peer instruction and learning in the classroom through reciprocal questioning" ,Journal="American Educational Research Journal" ,Volume="27" ,Number="4" ,Pages="664-687" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") KraemerKL88a @Article(KraemerKL88a ,Key="Kraemer & King" ,Author="Kraemer, K.L. and King, J.L." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Computer-based systems for cooperative work and group decision making" ,Journal="ACM Computing Surveys" ,Volume="20" ,Number="2" ,Pages="146" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") LevinJA77a @Article(LevinJA77a ,Key="Levin & Moore" ,Author="Levin, J.A and Moore, J.A." ,Year="1977" ,Title="Dialogue-Games: Metacommunication structures for natural language interaction" ,Journal="Cognitive Science" ,Volume="1" ,Pages="395-420" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") LevinsonP86b @Article(LevinsonP86b ,Key="Levinson" ,Author="Levinson, P." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Marshall McLuhan and computer conferencing" ,Journal="IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications PC" ,Volume="29" ,Number="1" ,Pages="9-11" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") LevinsonP88a @Book(LevinsonP88a ,Key="Levinson" ,Author="Levinson, P." ,Year="1988" ,Title="Mind at large: Knowing in the technological age" ,Address="Connecticut" ,Publisher="JAI Press Inc." ,Note="A series in research in philosophy and technology, supplement 2" ,Libcon="" ,Location="R.N.Higgins, lib") LevinsonP90a @InBook(LevinsonP90a ,Key="Levinson" ,Author="Levinson, P." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Computer conferencing in the context of the evolution of media" ,Editor="Harasim L.M." ,Booktitle="Online education: Perspectives on a new environment" ,Chapter="1" ,Pages="3-14" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Praeger" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") MacPhailJ88a @InBook(MacPhailJ88a ,Key="MacPhail" ,Author="MacPhail, J." ,Year="1988" ,Title="The professional image: impact and strategies for change" ,Editor="Kerr, J., and MacPhail, J." ,Booktitle="Canadian nursing: Issues and perspectives" ,Chapter="5" ,Pages="47-58" ,Address="Toronto" ,Publisher="McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd." ,Libcon="" ,Location="") MasonR90b @InBook(MasonR90b ,Key="Mason" ,Author="Mason, R." ,Year="1990" ,Title="Conferencing for mass distance education" ,Booktitle="Proceedings of the Third Guelph Symposium on Computer Mediated Communication" ,Address="Guelph, Ontario" ,Publisher="University of Guelph" ,Pages="56-64" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLeanRS83a @InBook(McLeanRS83a ,Key="McLean" ,Author="McLean, R.S." ,Year="1983" ,Title="Ontario Ministry of Education specifies its microcomputer" ,Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourth Canadian Symposium on Instructional Technology" ,Pages="436-441" ,Address="Winnipeg, Canada" ,Publisher="" ,Note="October 19-21" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLeanRS85a @Article(McLeanRS85a ,Key="McLean" ,Author="McLean, R.S." ,Year="1985" ,Title="Networking opportunities on the ICON" ,Journal="CALM Development Newsletter" ,Volume="1" ,Number="5" ,Pages="2-3" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLeanRS86a @Article(McLeanRS86a ,Key="McLean" ,Author="McLean, R.S." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Networking opportunities on the ICON: Part 2" ,Journal="CALM Development Newsletter" ,Volume="2" ,Number="1" ,Pages="2-7" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLeanRS86b @Article(McLeanRS86b ,Key="McLean" ,Author="McLean, R.S." ,Year="1986" ,Title="Networking opportunities on the ICON: Part 3" ,Journal="CALM Development Newsletter" ,Volume="2" ,Number="2" ,Pages="2-4" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLuhanM62a @Book(McLuhanM62a ,Key="McLuhan" ,Author="McLuhan, M." ,Year="1962" ,Title="The Gutenberg galaxy" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Mentor" ,Libcon="" ,Location="") McLuhanM64a @Book(McLuhanM64a ,Key="McLuhan" ,Author="McLuhan, M." ,Year="1964" ,Title="Understanding media: The extensions of man, 2nd Ed" ,Address="New York" ,Publisher="Mentor, New American Library" ,Libcon="" ,Location="R.N. 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